Thursday, February 23, 2017


Plagiarism and Fabrication

In simple words, plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Plagiarism and Fabrication is considered to be a crime because it really is a huge deal. So, we should always be as original as possible and not copy from someone else's work. Even if we have the permission, we need to be extra careful and make sure to cite it when it comes to copying even a small part from other's work. The citation helps us to avoid the blame of randomly copying someone's work.

In Universities, we are told and given set of instructions in the very beginning which states that committing plagiarism and fabrication is a huge deal, and we will have to face the consequences if we ever commit  it. It is taken very seriously. So, we need to understand that we are not supposed to do it even if we are in a situation where there is no way out. For situations like that, we should seek help from people who are good at it instead of copying from other's working and getting ourselves into trouble. Sometimes people end up thinking that copying a few sentences isn't wrong but what they don't understand is even the smallest portion of copying someone else's work might put us in trouble.


My view

Therefore, plagiarism is one of the most important thing to understand especially by the students so that we don't commit this crime even unintentionally. We need to be extra careful about this and make sure to always cite someone else' work if we are using it but overall try to be creative and only take ideas from other's work, and make it in our own words.  It is taken very seriously. So, we need to understand that we are not supposed to do it even if we are in a situation where there is no way out. For situations like that, we should seek help from people who are good at it instead of copying from other's working and getting ourselves into trouble. Sometimes people end up thinking that copying a few sentences isn't wrong but what they don't understand is even the smallest portion of copying someone else's work might put us in trouble.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Advertising Ethics

Ethics in advertising means a set of moral principles which govern a person's behavior or how the activity is conducted. Basically ethics in advertising play a very vital role. It should be taken very seriously as it is one of the most important part of advertising. Advertising means a set of well defined principles which govern the ways of communication taking place between the seller and buyer. 

There are many advertisements made that are unethical and doesn't contain any sorts of logic. Those types of advertisement should not be published whatsoever. Below is a video on some of the advertisements that has been banned. 


Unethical advertisements not only ruin the views and opinions of people, but it also makes them feel as though people have really stopped showing sensible things on television. From children to old aged people, everyone is so into technologies these days. So, the advertisements shown anywhere should be ethical and should not contain useless entities. It is really saddening to see that people actually make those type of advertisements that are disgusting and senseless. Everyone has their own opinion as far as things are concerned. The things I like might not be liked by anyone else and the things everyone likes might not be liked by me. But if there is a verdict of enough people on something, it means that thing is genuinely good or bad.

On the video above there is a comment that grabbed my attention. The person comments indirectly saying that how come these advertisements are banned but not Nicki Minaj's video called "Anaconda".

My view

So basically, I think that advertisements should be banned or stated as unethical before publishing so that they don't put a bad impression on the audience and make them blame the entire advertisement industry. The publishers must know the choice of the audience beforehand and they should also have a clear view on the difference between ethical and unethical advertisements. So, the advertisements shown anywhere should be ethical and should not contain useless entities. It is really saddening to see that people actually make those type of advertisements that are disgusting and senseless. Everyone has their own opinion as far as things are concerned. The things I like might not be liked by anyone else and the things everyone likes might not be liked by me. But if there is a verdict of enough people on something, it means that thing is genuinely good or bad.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Supermarket Tabloids

Basically, in the United States "supermarket tabloids" are large. The versions of these tabloids are usually published once every week. Supermarket tabloids are particularly notorious for the over-the-top sensationalizing of stories. The facts presented in these tabloids can often be called into question because they are only made to grab attention of the readers and might not completely be true whatsoever. Supermarket tabloids are actually famous for their placement along the checkout lines of the supermarkets. They are initially made with covers which contain shocking news that ends up attracting the customers. 

According to the Cambridge dictionary, A newspaper sold in supermarkets that contains reports about famous people's private lives or other things that have happened but are often hard to believe is known as the supermarket tabloids.

National Enquirer is one of the most famous tabloids. It is mostly famous for the exaggerated news on celebrities. It was founded in 1926. The tabloid has gone through a number of changes over the years. The Enquirer openly acknowledges that it will pay sources for tips, a practice generally disapproved of by the mainstream press. The tabloid has struggled with declining circulation figures because of competition from glossy tabloid publications. In May 2014, American Media announced a decision to shift the headquarters of the National Enquirer from Florida, where it had been located since 1971, back to New York City, where it originally began as The New York Enquirer in 1926. The Enquirer publicly declares that they are willing to pay sources for the tips. Like any other tabloids, National Enquirer is also involved in portraying news in a flashy manner that attracts the customers.

During the 1980s, the tabloid's slogan in radio and TV ads was "Enquiring minds want to know." Someone wanting the truth about an issue appends the slogan to their demand as a catchphrase. In the song "Midnight Star" from his album "Weird Al" Yankovic in 3-D, "Weird Al" Yankovic" uses the phrase during the song's outro. In 1987, the publisher of the National Enquirer trademarked the phrase, which uses the alternative (and more commonly British) spelling of "inquiring".

My view

I personally think that supermarket tabloids should have some kind of limit. Publishing random stuff about the celebrities which may or may not be true just to put them in spot just because they are celebrities doesn't mean it is necessary to harm them in any way. Celebrities are also human beings and they do have their personal lives. Some things are just meant to remain inside their lives and shouldn't be portrayed outside in front of the entire world. I agree on the point that the stories posted can be 100% true but these tabloids publish it in such an exaggerated manner that even the truth seems to be a lie.