Thursday, January 26, 2017


Bias in Cable Television News

Reuters and Israel

A news agency is basically an organization of journalists established to sell news reports to news organizations from all around the world, including the various types of news spreading medium such as websites, television, radio, phone apps, etc. It also happens to be referred to as newswire, wire service or news service. The main work of news agencies is to provide news with some kind of proof and not just randomly post whatever they like. A news should contain heavy amount of sense and meaning that ends up attracting the reader. A reader should be satisfied with the quality of news not the quantity.

Major U.S. news organizations that use Reuters’ news stories are: The New York Times and NBC. Also, not mentioned in the video: CNN, CBS, ABC, LA Times, Washington Post, every regional newspaper, such as: Dallas Morning News, San Diego Union-Tribune, Tampa Bay Times, Boston Globe, etc. Stephen Adler, President and Chief Editor of Reuters Worldwide, said “we believe in neutrality and being unbiased, to not take sides” and he talked about the value of transparency and integrity in reporting the news. Reuters’ Jerusalem Bureau Chief Luke Baker refers to Honest Reporting as: “laughable,” “strangely one sided” and “a pressure group.” He then cut off communication with the organization on Twitter.

The major news agencies usually prepare hard news stories and feature articles that can be used by news organizations with a little modification, and then again sell them to other news organization. This is the entire process of how news are spread all over the world. There are three major entities in U.S. news media which is mostly used by the reporters. They are: a) Associated Press (AP) b) Reuters c) Agence France-Presse (AFP). 

Here is a video on Honest Reporting which might help the readers to clear out their doubts on these entities mentioned above.

My view

I think that this is definitely an issue of Bias in Cable Television News. It gives us the sense of understanding that these type of issues actually play a vital role when it comes to the bias news. Whatever is published in the news cannot be true. Some news are bias, some are false and some might be true. People need to understand that these type of issues can be solved if it isn't made a big of a deal.